Infrequent Seams recently completed a multi-day Streamfest in December 2020.
Click here for information about the line-up of artists and to link to the streamed concerts on Twitch.

Infrequent Seams releases can be found on Bandcamp. Please click here to subscribe!

Infrequent Seams is dedicated to presenting creative voices with a prominent focus on promoting diversity and a community mindset oriented towards mutual affinity for experimental practices. The French philosopher Gilles Deleuze referred to the concept of The Fold to show how identities are not discrete, but are in fact parts of a continuous whole. Difference is a fold in a fabric that does not actually separate identities, but simply allows them to be expressed in a unique way.

Infrequent Seams (IS) was created to present creative artistic expressions in such a way that differences can be understood as unique expressions of a shared reality. Our wrinkles and folds give us unique characteristics that nonetheless allow for us to maintain our unity across divisions that may only seem significant. The seams are in fact an illusion, and we celebrate diversity in creative expression.

James Ilgenfritz started this organization in 2008 as a concert series at a Senegalese restaurant in the Clinton Hill neighborhood of Brooklyn. Over the years Infrequent Seams (IS) became a record label and is now expanding again, as we begin to support artists directly through commissions, print publications, virtual festivals, and more. 

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